Well, I have an eleven year old who will be taking college coursework beginning sometimes when she is twelve.

She began telling anyone who would listen to her that she was going to go to college when she was twelve.... when she was two years old. eek Now, this might only be moderately alarming... but for us, it's TERRIFYING, since she also has a life-threatening hidden disability that has required a lot of us as parents in terms of management. (Complicated, I know...)

We will have managed to delay her graduation from high school until she's 14, but there's no doubt that this was not what we'd have chosen. We tried NOT to 'start teaching' her too young, in fact... but it was pretty clear that if I didn't teach her some phonics, she was going to go with whole language reading skills instead.

But once she learned how to read, it was like we had lit the fuse on a Saturn V rocket. No way was I ever driving this bus. Ever. She went from phonetically controlled readers to Harry Potter under the covers with a flashlight-- in about ten months-- and never looked back. By the time she was six, she had been reading the daily newspaper for a year.

She is omnibus gifted, which is a definite bonus-- it has allowed her to still be educated via a "school" (she's effectively been accelerated four grades) which means that we don't have (and hopefully won't have) the same issues convincing our local community college to let her enroll at 12. It isn't as though they have to take our word for it. (We got a lot of that kind of push-back when we homeschooled. Maddening.)

As complicated as this makes things, it's also very definitely the right thing-- for her.

My long way of saying this is one that you don't really GET a vote on. Not really. Not with a HG+/PG kid-- they regard anything else as punitive.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.