Hi Jesse,

I'm not homeschooling but do consider it as an option. Just wanted to offer you another view. I, personally believe you go at your child's pace. This is the complaint about public school, is it not? The reason most (not all) parents of a HG+ child homeschools is because the school could not or would not fulfill the need of their child. But does this mean you plow through the curriculum and have them through high school by age 10? Depends on the child and the family unit as a whole. If you choose not to go this route but still want your child to be challenged there is another option: enrichment. You don't have to stick to the school's idea of curriculum. If your child is interested in computers you could provide a more in depth opportunity for them. If you live near a university you might have some wonderful opportunities for him/her to be mentored by a student (grad or even undergrad upper class) and/or a professor. Other areas of enrichment: art, business planning, science, etc. Take art for an example. There are wonderful community coops with artists who would love to mentor a child and the businesses in the area would open up great opportunities. There are so many ideas when we think outside of the box.