Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
She is omnibus gifted, which is a definite bonus-- it has allowed her to still be educated via a "school" (she's effectively been accelerated four grades) which means that we don't have (and hopefully won't have) the same issues convincing our local community college to let her enroll at 12. It isn't as though they have to take our word for it. (We got a lot of that kind of push-back when we homeschooled. Maddening.)
I would make some inquires NOW. I've heard stories about CCs not being thrilled about taking kids under age of 16, and I don't think a High School Diploma is nescessarily going to help. A lot depends on the individuals who are making decisions. I've heard of situation where the Parent was expected to sit next to the child during class, and I don't get the picture that that is going to work well for your family.

Love and More Love,

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