I may sound trite, but I have been through all kinds of stuff on a personal level, and more since I had my son 10 years ago. I'm 51 now and after a busy working life I'm not up to much, and too much time makes you think.

However, and I know I am really fortunate, the one thing I think a lot of us have is love - the love of our families and true friends who will accept you no matter what - gifted, imbecile or a bit of both. Every morning, sometimes after a night of the 3 a.m. terrors (you know what mean) I see my son come through the living room door and I hug him like I don't want to let go. then the missus comes in and we get a big smile and a hug - and that's all we have when we get down to it.

I mourn the death of the extended family and the place we have lost in that community of adults and children. Kurt Vonnegut summed it up when he said (and I paraphrase) that families, 2 parents 1 or 2 kids, struggle along as little survival pods.

Again, it sounds twee, but maybe we find our true significance and comfort in our family, true friends and communities. Nothing else matters.

The frightening bit now - it's a big cosmos, with 20,000,000 stars in our galaxy alone - we gotta love one another - s'all there is.

Ok - hippy rant over

Last edited by Raddy; 07/05/10 05:34 AM.