"When I was little, my existential depression was based on the thought that I would never create something that was uniquely mine." - Artana - I love that you said this - I still feel like this!! But I think I'm starting to move past it - I hope!!

This is an interesting thread for me - I too always find myself out of place, with both gifted and 'normal' people. I have tried really hard to find 'my people', and have dropped myself in to various situations where I thought I might find them. Mostly I don't - there is almost always a feeling of mismatch. It's certainly not that I don't like people - I really do, but I often struggle with how other people appear to think and often find myself saying things that people evidently can't relate to. I've never been tested, but come from a highly gifted family and have an HG+ daughter, so I suspect I'm gifted at some level. Unfortunately my career path is not one with a large gifted cohort, so I've rarely made good connections at work either.

Often when I do find people I really connect with, it is among people who are significantly (15/20+ years) older than I am, but then there is the difficulty of having completely different lives. Certainly in my small friendship group there are no two people even remotely alike and they struggle to come together as a group!

I feel very lucky to have found my husband, we both wonder what on earth we'd have done without each other!

I loved this article - as I read it light globes kept on going off! http://www.sengifted.org/articles_adults/Lovecky_CanYouHearTheFlowersSing.shtml