Funny, or not funny, I was just thinking this a few days ago. smile Nice to know I'm not alone.

I've found that, hanging around really gifted people makes me feel really slow and not gifted at all -- as I can only suppose the "really gifted" are possibly very gifted, and in contrast to them, I would be almost "normal". Haha

But then I go in the other direction, and find out that there are others who have no idea what I'm talking about --- could be because I didn't spell it out or have jumped conclusions, etc, and I process faster than they do, skipping forward -- and so, to them, I am a bright person.

So, neither here nor there, but somewhere not quite in the "middle" as it is all relative depending on the starting point.

I have also always felt, since I was a child, that I didn't belong/fit anywhere also, and it appears that it will continue.

But I have decided (when I'm not down), to give myself a break and give others a break too. I have to remind myself that everyone is just wherever they happen to be.

Will go look at the resources mentioned above...