Raising my hand here...I too have the feeling of being a misfit with most people. Even people I genuinely like. I find that what interests me puzzles and possibly bores others. My DH and I have traveled quite a bit, and many people have not had the life experiences I have had, so we don't always find a lot in common to discuss. I find that a lot of people discuss things that bore me, or that I don't keep up with (ex. TV shows, Hollywood stars, etc etc).
That being said, I do have some friends now who have very different life experiences and they have taught me a lot of interesting things! I'm now delving into home gardening and canning. One of my friends does amazing seamstress work, and creative things that I would never have the patience to do. So we hang out and maybe I don't discuss all of my cerebral stuff with her, but it's pleasant, and she teaches me new things all the time. Just an example of how I am coping with feeling different, FWIW...
Hugs going out to all of you who feel alone, different, or misunderstood.