Is there truly a relationship between IQ and depression/relationship issues? I never follow those studies so I have no idea what the survey says�

Depression/dysfunction tends to run in my family so I am not sure whether we are all just freakin� geniuses or what. If so, that kills the theory that birds of a feather are happy together. I just assume it is normal for occasional bouts of melancholy and not dwell on it.

I am not sure I understand your issue. The approach to solving your problem depends on whether you are feeling superior or inferior and since your post alludes to both, I suspect you are just wishy-washy, which is pretty much incurable.

Friendship rarely centers on the level of quality conversation (writers and philosophers probably are exempt) but rather on shared interests. Of course, you then have the difficulty of finding someone who has an interest in your hobby who knows at least as much as you do so you are not just dragging them around teaching them everything you know and not getting anything in return. On second thought, forget about shared interests.

The best thing for you to do is to get married. That way you don�t have to be friends and you don�t have to talk to each other, a win-win!

Dude, seriously� get a dog.

Ok, now that that�s out of my system� I have no advice for you. You have to realize that asking a bunch of geniuses about relationships is like asking the captain of the Titanic if there are any icebergs around (sorry, I thought I was all done). Personally I just immerse myself in my projects and I have more than enough to keep me busy. I don�t generally find it useful to join a group because i have too many interests to spend time at meetings. *shrugs*

I am who I am. Loneliness is just an opportunity to get something done without interruptions.