Good Luck bk1! Meeting with both Principals seems like an excellent idea.

I was quite interested to read from the 2E list and see the different slant. One difference is that I got the feeling that many on the 2E list were years ahead of their agemates academically, and were in a position of having to 'slow down' a bit.

I think once kids get into the High School years the problem of 'these grades count on college transcripts' becomes a looming issue for any kid who is accelerated and has enough 'organizational difficulties' so that they could really use the extra years to mature up a bit. That's what's on top at my house anyway. For a while in the Middle School years,it looked like the asynchrounous development was 'going away' but now it's back in full force.

Just guessing, but there it is.

Love and More Love,

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