I'm not an expert, but I am doing a similar thing with my son (2e aspie), elementary, not middle though. He will be attending the G&T school next year, and they are meeting with us next week to go over his IEP and behavior plan. I did not plan to send him there next year because I wanted to keep him in his current class (the wonderful teacher loops to the next grade) because I thought it would be better socially. But we decided to move on to the G&T for the added academics that he craves. We had him in a summer school for Aspie's and the teacher could not academically challenge him so he had behavior problems and it somewhat backfired. He is currently in a social skills group for Aspie's which is going well and we are going to continue it during the school year next year. So, my point is that we are in a similar situation and opted for the G&T school (with accommodations from his IEP) and an outside Aspie social group. I know it is a little different with your son being in middle school, and I know how you are agonizing over it. We couldn't decide for the longest time, but what helped us was how accommodating the G&T school is being! I can't believe they are setting up a meeting for us 5 months before the school year starts! Whatever you decide will be good...a lot of times you really have to rely on your instincts for what will be best for your son. Good Luck, I can't wait to hear what you decide! Nan