Originally Posted by melmichigan
The planner was written in that she would have a daily planner of assignments and homework that is checked by the teacher and then I sign it each night and send it back. She would write as much as she could and the teacher would edit and add as necessary. This will carry over to any classes in the middle school.

What a great idea! Your dd makes the start, and then each teacher adds, so she can see what she was missing! I will try to get this added to DS's IEP.

What book is the social worker using for social skills?

It's taken me so long to get back here because I've been posting and responding on other lists. The 2E list seems to be a little more worried about dealing with Aspie life skills challenges first, before academic accommodation. Another local list serv source told me her daughter got teased on a daily basis at G&T Middle and that the science teacher that DS would have would be wonderful.

Grinity, you are right. It is quite true that just having that extra teacher at Cozy won't necessarily keep kids from being mean.

I am still completely undecided! My plan is to call both schools Monday and see if I can meet with the principals.

Once we make a decision, I'll try to follow your advice, Dottie, and not second-guess. Thanks, Dottie, for your support!

Last edited by bk1; 03/13/10 01:14 PM. Reason: add name