I like this topic....I along with my daughter's father have felt somewhat secluded for awhile. I am the creative genius and he would be the mathematical one. We level each other out. But we never seem to get anywhere. People just don't understand. When I go in for a job interview I feel trapped in my own thoughts. It is hard for me to play the happy game; to act like I am thrilled about having another unchallenging job. But my job history is lacking. I have worked since I was 14 and I find it difficult to stay in a place where I do not have the opportunity for advancement. I remember being told in high school that I needed to settle on one major goal in life. My teacher thought I spent too much time switching what I love to do....and she was a gifted teacher. I have had to settle back into college again. I like getting out of the house but I really don't look forward to anything I do at school. When I put a lot of effort into something I end up getting that look from the rest of the class...."What? Is she trying to make us look bad?" Little do they know I did the assignment in a matter of a couple hours. It is somewhat disheartening to be back in school. I have that same feeling from before.......I don't have to try. But after years and years I have decided to settle on one major goal. I am going to get a degree in education. I want to help change the way the gifted are tested, taught, and help the gifted to find a place in society. Could we even imagine a world where all the gifted were given the chance to be recognized; given the chance to grow without being clipped? I know for a fact that while the gifted can be a little cocky, we are also some of the most compassionate thinkers. I guess what helps me make it through each week is the thought of being able to use my "giftedness" to help gifted children and adults.......I also like to read, write, draw, and paint.:)