If you liked that quote, (and I wonder if I shouldn't be being encouraged) here's another:

"Of course, not all boys or all girls fit the profile described above. But this information is crucial to an understanding of normal behavior and interest profiles that are different for most gifted boys and girls. It also has ramifications for the social lives of both sexes because it means that the most intelligent males might have more difficulty finding a partner or spouse who is on an equal intellectual level with them. The most intelligent females have a larger pool of hightly intellighent males from which to choose, but they are at considerable risk for feelings of isolation and differentness because there are fewer females like themselves. There are additional issues that gifted young women face that complicate their own achievement and goals - issues most related ot the dfferential way that marriage and parenthood affect females as compared to males.

Endnote - for an excellent article on this topic, read Reis 2002, Winter "Internal barriers, personal issues, and decisions faced by gifted and talented females." Gifted Child Today, 25(1) 14-28

thanks WG (but I don't get the belly button reference) ((shrug))

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