I'm thinking about Kirk and Spock, my childhood role models. I saw just the begining of a Star Trek rerun, the episode where they first meet the "Selectivly breed humans."

Wow, Kirk was so aware of all his "men," twinkling and teasing them "just right" in the opening sequence. Also, Kirk is so sure of himself and his right to be captain! He must be very high on the intrapersonal insight as well. He knows what makes him tick! Spock's superior grasp of details bothers Kirk not at all. Also, he's got so much good will toward everyone. It's as if, since he has recognised himself as able, and been recognised as able, he can afford to be generous with others.

So, my question to you is this - we all know lots of "Spocks," but have we met any "Kirks?" Is Captain Kirk another model of being intellectually gifted?

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