Boy can I relate to both of you and the articles. I can remember lamenting to anyone who would listen that I couldn't pick a major in college because I liked everything and wanted to learn everything but just when I got a ways into it I wanted to switch! Picking only what I was good at didn't work either. I also found problems working as there would be this expectation that learning the "system" would take x number of days/weeks and I would be ahead but they wouldn't be ready for me. Almost like the experience of our children in school. The teacher doesn't expect enough and doesn't quite believe the material is mastered and then the kids are bored and disruptive etc. Not that I was disruptive at work. :-) I eventually found that I preferred to be a stay-at-home mom because it allowed me to read and study and pursue my interests at my pace. Now I am a certified teacher looking for work. Once again I think the giftedness is hampering me as I feel compelled already to be prepared 100% with all my lesson plans before I even have a job and I find so many great ideas online but I worry that I will not do a good job teaching. Agh! Does it never end? Luckily I have a very gifted brother and sister and we email family inside jokes and turn them into Family trivia but in French etc. Other than that I have not met someone in person that I truly clicked with intellectually. That has been a bonus on this forum - finding a place to learn and share about my children but with really cool smart people who all around "get it".
What a great thread. I hope more folks post to it.