Willa Gayle -
I do the "hobby thing" also!
I recently read in Ruf, Losing Our Minds, p243 :

"In my experience, most girls and women, as a group, tend to see shades of meaning and concepts more easily and are more general in their interests than most boys and men. Many girls and women also enjoy learning about a variety of topics to a fairly high level more than they tend to enjoy specializing in something that they feel would restrict them in any way. When both people in a couple have equally high intellectual abilty, it is not unusual for them to assume that the male is smarter because he can dominate in his one subject. I point this out because women often underestimate themselves and their intellectual abilities (Kerr, 1994).

I can relate strongly to this statement, particularly the wanting to avoid being restricted, and being fairly open in my interests.

Thanks WG!

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