Originally Posted by Grinity
I recently read in Ruf, Losing Our Minds, p243 :

"In my experience, most girls and women, as a group, tend to see shades of meaning and concepts more easily and are more general in their interests than most boys and men. Many girls and women also enjoy learning about a variety of topics to a fairly high level more than they tend to enjoy specializing in something that they feel would restrict them in any way. When both people in a couple have equally high intellectual abilty, it is not unusual for them to assume that the male is smarter because he can dominate in his one subject. I point this out because women often underestimate themselves and their intellectual abilities (Kerr, 1994).

Oh, WOW, did you just describe DH and myself or what??? Seriously, that sounds exactly like us. It's even further emphasized because we work in the same field. Thanks for posting that!