That's so true. I think as a kid people noticed me and even though I was horribly neglected by both family and educators, my "brilliance" and "maturity" often wowed people and it was enough boost to my esteem to keep my puttering along.

Now I've learned to cover my gleaming tracks in order to get along with the general community. Every once in awhile I find someone like me and attempt a connection. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

To keep my brain flowing and in peak mental health, I will take up a hobby and become an "expert" in it. For example, about 2 years ago I took up recumbent cycling. I absorbed everything about the history and sport.

The next year I took up web design and swallowed books whole.

This summer it was surging through 2E and getting to know the nuances of my gifted boys that I had missed all these years.

I'm in a lull right now. Mostly I'm dealing with my physical health, but that bores the wits outta me!!! chuckle.

My oversensitivities are tamer in the emotional realm, but the others still seem pretty hyper when compared to my peers.

I'm off to read the article now. I always speak before I have all the info;^)

Willa Gayle