I have basically taken on a second career as gifted expert for my kids' sakes. I discovered there was a word for my eldest six years ago, although I knew he was very smart from the day he was born. I then discovered there are many levels of giftedness five years ago, and realised that there wasn't anyone whose child was a higher LOG to help me or give advice. So I've had to research everything myself. I desperately don't want my children to suffer the way I did, and my eldest is already ahead by being grade skipped once (so far, and hopefully another soonish). Now I'm working towards helping my youngest, who is a very different child to my high achieving, academic eldest.

I have known of this board for a bit, but avoided joining as I am outside of the US. I didn't think it would be of any use since it doesn't offer local advice. But since my family is the odd one out at my own G&T club I feel that being with likeminded families here, who understand what being PG is really like, is probably the best thing I can do.