Good thread!

I have a DYS but I did not know that when I found this site. I knew DC was very bright and clearly ahead in skills but did not understand giftedness or LOG at all. (I am pretty sure everyone in public school "way back when" took the IQ screening test but no one had full individual IQ tests. I now believe my parents were somewhat misled by those results for my siblings and me.)

At first, I blindly trusted the educational system, but we soon started having issues of severe boredom and unhappiness at school. Although there were a couple teachers who really tried, in the end, that wasn't enough to overcome systemic problems (and a couple very poor teachers and admins).

So I came here time and time again, mostly to read experiences to get ideas on advocacy and what our educational choices really are.

I am very grateful to all of you who share.

Last edited by howdy; 02/22/17 08:51 PM.