I ended up here after we had our middle kid tested for 2e issues about seven years ago. DH is classic 2e as well so we were watching for it. DD had DYS level IQ scores but was really struggling with the basics at school due to dyslexia and dysgraphia. We didn't apply for DYS at the time because I was more concerned with getting her to learn how to read and write

This place was a safe place to talk about her issues without people judging her (Why is your kid in the GT program when she is barely reading??? because the school psychologist told us to . . .) DD is now in high school and subsequent recent testing on the WISC V confirmed earlier testing. If I get around to it, might finally fill out the DYS application.
We also have two other kids but have never had IQ testing on either of them. The oldest was in GT programming for elementary and middle school. She is a super high achiever with lots of GT traits. Comments from several of her GT teachers lead me to believe that she may be HG but our own perspective is pretty warped. She is a lot like me at that age and I'm guessing that I am MG. Youngest is in a GT program. He's got the family math gene, not sure about the rest of it. His teacher who has all of my kids thinks that he is just as capable as his siblings but "he's a boy."