If it makes you feel any better my DD is floundering a bit too.

I think that middle school EF demands necessarily get ramped up to prepare kids for high school and that some dropped balls are an inevitable part of learning the ropes.

I am monitoring this closely, it has been compounded by the fact the kids have all been given iPads to work on and maintain an agenda on. They are expected to type homework assignments along with due dates into their agendas. Sometimes my DD doesn't have time to type it all in before class leaves or sometimes she is late because she Maths class is over in the 8th grade end of the school whereas she is technically in 6th so she has to rush.

Last night I imposed a rule to help her advocate better for herself - she will own emailing the request for the assignment from the teacher. This should help her to get the work and to develop confidence in speaking up for herself with teachers.

If this is still an issue after a month I will have to try something else LOL

Become what you are