Oh, cammom - that is a good, cautionary tale. May I ask how you managed to communicate with the new school (and I agree that being polite, modest, and diplomatic is key)?

I think if you have a kiddo who is 2e, they are so frequently UNDERESTIMATED, that I would be more apt to speak up and freely share. It is a little trickier with a non-2e kiddo, I think, although the reason for testing is usually the same - the parent often doesn't feel that their DC's needs are being met.

But just raising the issue that one felt the need to go outside the school to have their DC assessed, could be met with defensiveness.

I feel like I'm tiptoeing through broken glass with these: on one hand, I can see where the achievement data could be VERY relevant to the teacher (for example,suggesting a DC is functioning pretty comfortably above grade-level); also, the IQ data could remove the concern that a DC has been hothoused into this level of achievement. On the other hand, the school might not react positively to a family who privately went to have a DC tested. Still, just when/how/what to share? That's the tricky part.

Last edited by Loy58; 08/12/14 02:54 PM. Reason: detail