It's complicated.

Our situation might be different, because we do not have known 2e issues. Our fear with our present younger DC's scores is that: 1) the scores were done privately, not at the school (so we are not sure how they will be interpreted or valued by the school); 2) obviously, our DC is much, much more than a test score, and we'd like the teacher to get to know DC first; and 3) potentially immediately label us as "Tiger Parents," not allowing for other productive conversation.

In our situation, I just don't want to share "out of context." That is, if the school/teacher is LOOKING for a read on our DC, I'd be more apt to go ahead and share. I think it's more "when and how," for us - not that we are trying to withhold information (although absent the 2e issue, we also face having to possibly explain WHY we had the DC tested).

The problem with the school/teacher NOT having the information is that we are not on the same page. I think the challenge we face at the moment is HOW to broach the subject of our child having different needs, and then WHY we believe that this is so.

In the upper grades, where testing is rampant, this is honestly, less of an issue. The school does quite a bit of its own testing. DD's school also has her out-of-school scores and these were shared in the context of placement for this upcoming school year.