Okay, relevant to your fact-finding mission, Aquinas, is this--

it is common now to "bundle" some subjects, which makes acceleration all but impossible in those areas if there is a missing support skill.

Consider "writing across the curriculum" and what that means for a child like mine, who had the writing skills of a 6yo agemate and the reading and analysis skills of a high schooler, and the interests of one, too, at least in some subjects.

It was interesting to me when I ran across some of our video from when she was 5-7yo and doing poetry recitations, delivering oral presentations, etc. I had forgotten how LITTLE she was at the time. It's very sweet to watch her lisp a little because of her missing front teeth, as she's discussing the causes of Shay's Rebellion, how a particular scientific invention works, etc.

It's stunning to watch her, and all the more so because I recall quite clearly that the work product that she is delivering there is way below her readiness and proximal zone.

If she had been permitted to learn science, literature, and social studies at the level she was READY for, rather than at the level she was ready to write at, things would have been far, far better for her.

Other kids, it's the reading level that is the weak link.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.