Interesting question.


Age 3, 4 + 5-- preK (Montessori), grade 1-ish(?)-- unschoooling, eclectic homeschooling Understand that this is the period in which my daughter learned to read-- quite late by this community's standards-- at almost five years old.
Age 6-- grade 3 (uniform placement)
Age 7-- grade 4-5 (acceleration via pacing of two grades into one year)
Age 8-- grade 6 (GT)
Age 9-- grade 7 (GT), math grade 9 (algebra I)
Age 10-- grade 8 (GT), math grade 10 (geometry)
Age 11-- grade 9 (honors/AP track), math algebra II
Age 12-- grade 10
Age 13-- grade 11, beginning dual enrollment and college coursework
Age 14-- grade 12, mostly dual enrollment coursework.

Now, what I think would have been MORE suitable, in terms of what she seems to have needed in her own developmental terms:

Age 5-- reading gr2, math gr2, science gr4, social studies gr4, writing-- on level.
Age 6-- reading gr 8, math gr4, science gr7, social studies gr7, writing gr 1.
Age 7-- reading gr 9 or 10, math gr 5, science gr9, social studies gr9, writing gr 4 or 5.
Age 8-- reading gr 11 or 12, math gr 8, science gr10, social studies gr10, writing gr6 or 7.

Age 9-- reading post-secondary, math gr9, science gr10, social studies gr10, writing gr8

Age 10-- math gr10, science gr11, social studies gr12, writing gr10

Age 11-- math gr11, science post-secondary, social studies post-secondary, writing gr12

Age 12-- fully post-secondary.

Understand that the latter represents an idea of where a snapshot of her ability would have placed her, but if you look at the difference in trajectory from ages 5 to 7, you can see what we opted for in enrolling her in a school rather than homeschooling.

Here is what I think WOULD have happened had we not done that:

age 6-- reading gr12, math gr7, social studies gr10, science gr8, writing K

age 7-- reading post-secondary, math gr9, social studies post-secondary, science gr 11, writing gr1

age 8-- reading post-secondary, math gr11-12, social studies post-secondary, science post-secondary, writing gr2

Do you see the problem?

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.