Our school district wants to see >95 percent accuracy for the curriculum skipped (including unit tests tied to the curriculum, which I think is ridiculous). So DS was given the district second grade math assessment in first grade and scored 98.5% accuracy (out of about 140-150 questions he got two wrong), but wasn't nearly as accurate on "unit tests" which has questions like "draw a math mountain for this equation..." (or whatever)...unless you've sat thru the lectures it's not necessarily going to make sense. The principal said we can subject accelerate DS for math but I'm not sure if the district is going to go along with it, or if it's even a good idea because a one grade acceleration for math is still going to be too easy. When we did a whole grade acceleration for DD a couple years ago they weren't nearly as rigid. I think they wanted 98 percent on the district tests for reading and math (which involved curriculum that would be missed) plus a certain CogAT score but there were no unit tests involved.
I'm not sure what is "reasonable" but just wanted to say what our district requires. Apparently there have been some kids that passed the district tests (scored 98+ percent accurate), they were moved up, and didn't do well which is probably why they are more rigid now and want perfect scores on unit tests as well.