Originally Posted by Kai
Originally Posted by Zen Scanner
So, some of us use reading as a proxy term for language arts or English or whichever term is in vogue in whichever country.

The problem with doing this is that writing is a much different issue than reading. I didn't even list my son's writing level because I honestly don't know what it is or was. And when I discussed his work with our homeschool advisor, *she* couldn't tell me either. I do know that his handwriting is messy and slower than even age peers. His composition skills seem variable to me--as in one day he'll write something very solid without a lot of editing help and the next will produce a total mess. I also know that his "Revising Written Materials" score on the Iowa test this year was at the 98th percentile as compared to 9th graders, but I don't know how much that correlates with actual writing skills.

Yes, so what I should have said is I use reading as a proxy term for that aspect of English, language arts, etc. specifically excluding writing. Because for me having a possible dysgraphic, his level of instruction on writing doesn't seem useful to this discussion.