As a school admin, I can tell you for sure that there are some of us fighting the same fight with our teachers! I have several students with life threatening food allergies, as well as one with a feeding tube and nothing by mouth. The latter is a PG kid who has a degenerative muscle disorder. He has been on my Math Olympiad team for three years that I coach. His one request this year "can we please have an end of year celebration that does NOT involve food?"
I was absolutely bent on making this happen- we had math games, non-food prizes and certificates etc. Several parents were so mad that I wouldn't allow any food into the room, period. They said that someday he will have to learn how to deal with parities and being left out.
Unfortunately, he probably won't make it to that day

but I am so happy I was able to give him exactly the kind of end of the year celebration he could enjoy without being left out or feeling like he could only have half the fun.
I am not saying this to brag, but to point out that it isn't just the food allergies- all sorts of kids have health issues that preclude them from celebration food from kids with allergies to diabetics to my math buddy with a feeding tube. They deserve a chance to party too!