Originally Posted by blackcat
There's a mom at DD's school who had to protest the school's actions because she thought the school was being ridiculously over-protective. Her DS's allergy (to cinnamon?) is fairly mild, yet the school nurse sent out memos to all the teachers putting limits on what he could eat/do, there were emergency instructions, and she made a huge deal out of it. I found this strange

I will just bet that SHE found it pretty strange, too, fwiw.

This is the kind of passive-aggressive nonsense that goes on around food allergies, honestly. There's a reason why 504 evaluation is the most appropriate tool to begin with. Because, hel-LO? INDIVIDUAL accommodations. Not one-size-fits-most.

Sounds to me as though this parent was being pummeled with "policy states that" when she had the gall (!) to bring it up at all and make it the "problem" of the school.

I'm a bit cynical about this kind of thing at this point, however.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.