When DS5.10 was still enrolled in school, I insisted on his Epi being ALWAYS with him no matter where they went (library, gym, outside, etc.). I wanted it in his backpack but at the same time didn't want him (or other kids) being able to open it on the bus or in other places and hurting themselves. So I ended up putting it in a pocket in his backpack that I could put a small 4 digit code lock on and all the adults starting from the bus driver to the principal had the code as well as instructions from me to rip the pocket apart if they had to get to it and couldn't deal with the lock. He's been homeschooled for some 6 months now and we still have that lock on his backpack anywhere we go.

Our friends know all about DS's allergies and yet THEY still mess up at times. I have only ONE friend I know I could really trust and have DS spend couple hours with, maybe even overnight. If I can't trust our own friends who've known DS well for the last 5 years or so, how can I trust a stranger taking care of my son on a field trip? It's not that they wouldn't mean well, but they simply don't have the experience to cover all the bases. So I would still want to be present during just about any trip.