The government website dedicated to it gives this information. It's what most people are supposed to learn at a minimum.
Would you please share the link, page, paragraph, quote, indicating where you found information to indicate that "Common's not a ceiling--it's a floor"?
Lived experience of the standards comes from
implementation of the standards; the idea of
implementing Common Core as a minimum seems to counter your post
here (#185256) in which you seem to defend not teaching above the standards? (Specifically: implementation of standards leading to claims "
They do not have resources to accelerate some children and bring others to task. So, they have to reduce acceleration.")
* Lived experience of the standards may impact gifted identification.
* in regard to resources... Multi-age flexible cluster grouping has been discussed on several threads over time as providing a means of acceleration without incurring additional cost. Many believe it is not a budgetary issue, but an issue of attitude toward gifted pupils.