For one child his fourth grade teacher nominated him for testing (he had been homeschooled before that). Testing was IQ testing plus achievement scores. Placed gifted.
For 2nd child I nominated him in K - he didn't pass. I nominated him again in first. IQ plus achievement. He was placed middle of 2nd grade.
Neither child gets pullout classes. Younger son gets in classroom differentiation, one of his two teachers is gifted endorsed and is supposed to be meeting his needs. They also skipped him a grade this year. Have no idea if the id more girls than boys because don't know who is gifted.
Older son is in a special program at middle school that is one class big (one of these classes per grade levels) 22 or so kids...rather than mixing it up every period randomly like most of the kids do they go from class to class together as a unit (other than electives). Each teacher that this group goes to is gifted endorsed and most of the class is staffed gifted and get in automatically, but they fill the remaining spots by high test scores (achievement) and a selection process including teacher recs, essay, interview, etc. middle school program is 75% girls.
Last edited by Sweetie; 03/13/14 06:25 AM.