MoN ... that sounds so much like our case! We go to children's museum, we have play dates, we go to birthday parties, we do all the usual things. DS even enjoys all this as long as he can go to a safe place when he needs to (going to play away from others when they get too loud, climbs into his stroller to play video games and whatever else makes him feel safe and calm). The only place we really have to avoid are public restrooms! lol

We tried private group therapy last fall and that was a fail. He could not stand being so close to the other kids and then one session when the therapists just pushed him too hard and let him cry his little heart out he was done with them and nobody could ever get him back there. We just stopped going at that point as it wasn't helping him and it was making it hard for the other kids to get anything done. Now, 6 months later, he still shivers just walking by that room (it's in the same place where he goes for private speech.)

I really feel like the school therapy is doing a lot more damage than good at this point.

Sometimes I wonder how much of his shyness and anxiety is the result of growing up with his obnoxiously loud and always extremely intense brother? (DS4.9) The little guy loves it when his brother is at school and he gets his 3 hours of quiet.