he has been in OT for sensory issues for about a year now but we're not really seeing improvements

. Well, other than seeing how much he enjoys and needs deep pressure and how it does relax him for a few minutes. We are doing private speech therapy where we work on some new found tactile issues with his mouth affecting his eating and how he forms speech. But you are right. SPD is definitely playing a major role in all this just like it did with me.
Both my boys probably really are "wired differently" because my older one started being a lot less irritated and nervous when we stopped most of his therapy. But his issues were different. He was always a show off constantly in everyone's face. It's the quiet and calm situations that make him anxious. Compared to DS3 who has it all bottled up inside.
Things would be a lot easier if he didn't have such a good memory! One negative experience in any one place or with any one person makes him completely shut down in that place or for that person for months. (completely avoids one room at the therapy place where he was pushed beyond comfortable ... for both him and me ... almost a year ago; gets upset at a girl in a play gym we go to because last June she took a puzzle he was working on away from him; ... and things like that).