Just a quick update. Our IEP meeting is tomorrow and yesterday I emailed the special ed director regarding the allergy and other accommodations we would like to get covered in the IEP and her response was that the allergies would not be covered in the IEP and that he would have an Emergency Health plan (the same thing he has now).

The emails said
"The allergies would not be addressed in his IEP, but through his emergency medical plan. Accommodations could be placed in his IEP if the allergies were to interfere with his learning and access to his environment..."

Being the parent, I see his allergies affecting his learning and environment on a daily basis. How is it not enough to have something in writing that would help us prevent incidents from happening??? The emergency medical plan is for TREATING allergic reactions not really for preventing them.

She said if I need more clarification we can touch up on it again tomorrow at the meeting. So I emailed back saying we need more than just a health plan to keep him safe ... IEP or 504 if we cannot get it in the IEP but I tried to explain why I believe his allergies ARE interfering. Seriously, how cold they NOT???

... I'm so frustrated with the school district and he hasn't even really started school yet!