I was just looking more into the future to see what comes in the years after K though I'd love to see him at least being somewhat challenged in K too since I'm worried he'll look for trouble ... But apparently big NOTHING is waiting for us ahead. This sort of goes along with what the special ed director told me when I asked at what point in the future could we get both sons tested (she does know they are ahead in many areas). Her answer was something like "Oh, we won't even need to get them tested. We'll just see how they will do at school." ... now it makes sense there knowing there's nobody overseeing the gifted program. I'm pretty sure the gifted program is just based on the teacher recommendation.

So all this info is mainly important to me especially since we are considering homeschooling at some point. In a way I'm glad K is just a half day. He can do academics at home and learn the structure and social interaction at school. Hopefully it won't be too bad.