I don't have any personal experience with life-threatening allergies, but at DD's (private) school they do take them very seriously b/c there are a couple of kids who have them. DD was quite fascinated by a classmate when she was younger who has severe peanut allergy--I guess the teacher talked about it or maybe one of his parents came in and did a presentation, but for example "he could never go to the Texas Road House" (because they have giant barrels of peanuts as soon as you get in the door). So all the kids knew about this kid's allergy, and we weren't allowed to put anything with nuts in the kids' lunches, snacks, or special-event stuff because they didn't expect the (1st-3rd grade) kids to be careful enough to be safe and not share, etc. It really wasn't that hard to work around, and the kids all seemed to be really interested in helping this kid avoid nuts! Now that they are older (4th-6th), kids are allowed to bring things with nuts in their lunches because the kids are old enough to know to not share (is the rationale).

BUT they have the epi-pens in each classroom in a bag next to the fridge, with the kids' names on them, and everyone including the subs is told about them and how to use them. So they are in clear view and ready to grab and use--no trying to figure out where the nurse is, where she keeps the epi-pens, etc. If you can't get the school to do that (or it's against the rules for some reason), I have seen 'necklaces' that have the epi-pen attached that fits down inside a shirt (so it's not so obvious)--would that be okay with the school? I think it's a valid concern how long it would take someone who may not be that familiar with allergies to a) recognize an allergic reaction for which an epi-pen would be appropriate; b) realize they should be getting the epi-pen rather than just calling 911; c) try to remember what room the epi-pens are kept in; d) go there; e) find the epi-pen; f) rush back to where the kid is and administer it; and of course g) hope it takes effect in time. Actually having said that it kind of seems like the kind of thing that should be rehearsed every now and then, like a fire drill, just so any kinks can be worked out. But I'm not sure anyone actually does that.

Sorry, I'm not trying to make anyone nervous, it's just that if you think about it it really does seem like something that should be taken more seriously.