
Yes, this is the son that is in special ed public preschool. I waited till later in the evening and then emailed the teacher. I can't believe she did not call. If the bus driver / company found it bad enough to give me heads up, so should had the school. I stayed calm in my email but did let her know I did not agree with the way things were handled and offered to come get him should sometime like this happen again (I offered to come get him should there be issues right from the start back in the fall but they only called me twice due to allergy related issues). This was the biggest tantrum he has had at school since starting in November. He has been doing a great job handling himself well most of the time. Most issues arise when they have substitute teachers / drivers and the routine / rules isn't what he's used to. When we had his IEP back in the fall I asked if we could put in more details as to how these situations would be handled (I expected them to happen a lot more frequently) but I was told these would be handled once issues would actually arise.

As for the hives, I have seen him a few times break out in hives when under major stress (major to him). He spent all afternoon telling me how sad he was and how he felt this wasn't fair. I did my best talking him through it but it should had been handled at school. So yes, I feel like we have to have some sort of behavior management plan to handle these situations. Most of the time he's the model student unless someone disturbs his perfect little world. Days like today remind me that we DO have a child on the spectrum.

We have had a minimum tantrums in the last year or so (compared to daily occurrence the years before) but the last two or three weeks he has been somewhat on the edge and I just can't figure out what is causing it. No changes at home ... routines, food, arrangements or anything else and I am not aware of any changes at school either but somewhere there's a hidden trigger that I need to figure out.

But I guess today happened right in time as we are getting the new IEP together!