If she likes humorous stuff, you might try Robert Asprin's "Myth" series. It's light, humorous fantasy along the lines of the Xanth books. I don't remember any inappropriate levels of sex, but everyone please feel free to correct my lousy memory if that's wrong.

Another Piers Anthony series, the "Apprentice Adept" books, might work -- there is occasional mention of sex but nothing detailed.

Has she read the Moomintroll books?

Also, Madeleine L'Engle's series of "A Wrinkle in Time", "A Wind in the Door", "A Swiftly Tilting Planet", and "A Ring of Endless Light".

Scott O'Dell, "Island of the Blue Dolphins".

I might have some disagreement on "Ender's Game" for a 7-year-old. It has always been one of my favorites, but I tried it a while back on DS and was appalled at the thoughtless violence of Peter and some of the boys. I decided, given DS's particular case, that we should likely wait a few more years on that one. YMMV.