My 8 year old has the high school librarian pulling books for him and checking them out to him. She knows him and what he has read and knows the books in her library. The last thing she pulled was the Golden Compass series. The high school has a wide range of books as far as level of books goes.

How this came about is that our school district has the district-wide card catalog all online and connected. DS8 was looking for the next book in a series and his library didn't have it but the catalog showed that the high school had it. My dh works there so he went and talked to her about checking it out in his name (DS could have asked for it to be sent to his school and checked it out through his school but that would have taken a few days and patience isn't his middle name). The librarian at the high school has become one of our best resources.

The elementary school librarian is also very helpful but I think my son exhausts her. She has been willing to break the rules for him. He is required to check out one Spanish book and one English book each week (that is a classroom rule of his Dual Language Program) and they are limited to 2 books per week. She has broken the 2 book rule and allowed him to have more at one time and he is one kid who pretty much has an open pass to go to the library and return books and check out new ones.

...reading is pleasure, not just something teachers make you do in school.~B. Cleary