My son was reading about that same level at age 7 and here is what he was reading, if it helps!

The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel (series)
Lord of the Rings (trilogy)
H.I.V.E. (series)
Leven Thumps (series)
The Bartimaeus Trilogy (first is Amulet of Samarkand)
D'Aulaires book of Greek Myths (and Norse)
Harry Potter
Sword of the Rightful King

He is now 9 and reading Ender's Game, and has also enjoyed Hunger Games and The Maze Runner series. He is getting ready to start Three Musketeers. He is a two books at a time kid- one fiction and one nonfiction.

Although The Handmaid's Tale is one of my all-time favorite books, I would not suggest it to anyone Pre-high school. It isn't about sex as much as control, identity and power.