As a young child I absolutely devoured all books related to classical history, its myths and legends. I actually found children's fiction boring but history/legends were just fascinating - better than the kid's fiction in fact. The creation myths of just about everyone from Aborginal Australians to Ancient Egyptians were good stuff too as were the Just So stories by Kipling.

My DD8 loved the Harry Potter series all of them are now truly dog eared from constant re-reading, loved the Hobbit but has yet to get absorbed by LOR, the 'Percy Jackson' stuff (several series here) and currently is really into the Brian Jacques 'Redwall' series - which at first glance appears lame but uses surprisingly a broad and advanced vocabulary. She also likes graphic novels - to my surprise she picked up my Logicomix and got really into paradoxes for a while as a result! She is starting Sophie's World now which I think is a great book.

Last edited by madeinuk; 04/01/13 06:13 PM.

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