
Dd 7 and I are really struggling to find books she enjoys at the moment. Nothing in junior fiction seems to be grabbing her, she's read most of the standard classics and I'm struggling to find YA fiction that is not about vampires etc and/or is not focused on romance/sex. Things are further complicated by the fact that dd, like me, is not great at the whole willing suspension of disbelief thing and so unless fantasy is great (she's a big fan of the Hobbit/LOTR, etc) she just switches off.

Reading is really her only area of self extension and she loves complex political/social and historical plot lines but trying to find them with age appropriate content is a challenge (we're ok with her reading texts with very low level sex, i.e. where sex is implied but not described - not because we're worried about her knowing about sex; she's well across the birds and the bees, but just from a life experience point of view - and a bit of romance is fine too, but too much bores her). A year ago her reading comprehension tested at a 10th grade level and she's come along leaps and bounds since then, so there's not much she can't read and understand.

As I type this it occurs to me that maybe there would be a greater range in adult fiction - Neither DH or I are fiction readers though, so I don't know what might be great. Any suggestions?