Originally Posted by SiaSL
Originally Posted by Dude
my own DD8 likes to do things backwards, by watching the movies, then reading the books

No, no, she is doing it the only sane way wink

If I read the book then watch the movie first the casting and visuals never feel entirely right, then I spend the whole movie ranting about everything they got wrong when translating the story to screen. It does not make for an enjoyable experience.

If I watch the movie then read the book the movie experience does not interfere with my reading much.

And I don't really visualize when I read, so that's not the issue...

I don't have this problem, as long as the movies are done well. DW and I were quite pleased with the HP movies from a visual standpoint, though we did note that the storytelling started leaving out vital bits in episodes 4-6.

The differences between the books and movies have been a regular topic of conversation as I read them to DD, and in some places we even noted improvements in the movie. For example, in Chamber of Secrets (we just re-watched it last night), there's the scene where the Weasley boys rescue Harry from imprisonment in his bedroom, towing away the iron bars on his window with a flying car. In the movie, Uncle Vernon grabs hold of Harry, the car pulls away, and Vernon tumbles out the window, landing in the shrubs. He doesn't fall out in the book. The movie version is funnier.

And even though she watched the movies first, she's still pretty miffed about how the Quidditch World Cup got chopped to pieces in the movie, now that she has read it in the book. It's a complaint she voices every time she watches it again. She wants to see veela.