Someone already beat me to Ender's Game, which will be a movie this November, so that's an extra inducement (my own DD8 likes to do things backwards, by watching the movies, then reading the books). I endorse Zen Scanner's Xanth selection was well... in fact, I just picked up the first three Xanth books for DD8.

I don't agree with the Discworld series for a kid that young, though. I think they're fantastic, but I think that too much of the humor would sail over the heads of 7yos, due to lack of exposure to social and scientific concepts. It's kinda like Monty Python... sure, the Silly Walks skit has humor that's immediately accessible to anyone, but there's a whole other level where they've pilloried government and bureaucracy that a 7yo just wouldn't get.

Other recommendations in the fantasy genre I'd make to a 7yo who is reading at the right level:

Belgariad/Mallorean series - David Eddings (first book - Pawn of Prophecy) - 10 books total
Riftwar Cycle - Raymond E. Feist (first book - Magician: Apprentice) - a crapload of books total

Oh, and DD has been obsessed with Harry Potter for 3 years now, and she's making us watch the movies again this week. So there's that.

Last edited by Dude; 04/01/13 01:33 PM.