One month of kindergarten complete and everyone is calling it a successful month! There was a bit of a social bump mid month but that has resolved itself. (see Consequences of being Annoying thread) One thing that could use improvement is less avoidance of letter and number work. His teacher wants him to do more worksheets, workbook and writing activities. She wants at least two of these a day. His OT and I thought a visual task sheet he could look at and have marked off with each completion would help him. I am thinking I could give a reward for daily completion of two or weekly completion of ten or both.
I am trying to figure out how to make such a sheet. It isn't all just worksheets and stuff that can be stapled and given to him in a packet. It might be a math manipulative thing the teacher has to check when he is done or tracing a leaf and labeling the parts.
I am thinking about taking pics of the ten tasks the week before and printing them all on one sheet of paper he can take to school the following week. Then he can see everything that needs to be done and mark them off as they are complete. Overkill?