Thanks again everyone. So this is my plan:


Read Dyslexic Advantage - bought it last night, only $10 for Kindle version

Talk to our OT about my concerns - I was planning to talk to her about our treatment goals anyway and I'll see if she has any recommendations for home or school. Our family, the OT and the school seem to be working together well so far. If she has recommendations, I think the school will follow them.

Continue HWT


Talk to teacher - I am thinking 6 weeks will give her a chance to get an idea of where he is on reading and writing. I want to ask her to keep a close eye on anxiety over this type of work and on whether he improves over time. I did mention in our meeting last month that he does reversals, the testing we had done didn't test for learning disabilities like dyslexia, he has a very intelligent grandfather with dyslexia, that a LD and giftedness are possible in the same kid and that despite his extremely high scores he might not seem like other students she has seen that end up participating in the third grade gifted pull out program at the public school. She mentioned that for her students doing reversals she has them make the letters from clay for a while and it seems to help. To address his sensory need to "get away", we'd planned an area with read-along audiobooks. It read somewhere last night this might help if he has dyslexia too. She also plans to give him time to shine with advanced hands on science work, like making models. He loves giving presentations (show and tell) and making up stories/picture books so she wants to give him a chance to do this often.

If I still have concerns, make appointment with Eides

Feel free to make suggestions.