Originally Posted by Pemberley
I vividly remember the deer-in-headlights look on the school psychologist's face as she said to me "There are 40 IQ POINTS difference between her verbal comprehension and visual perception IQ scores! 40!!!" (While her hand was on top of her head - almost as if she was trying to keep it from spinning off her shoulders.) "That's less than one half of one percent of the population." I calmly asked what the normal deviation was and what we should do now. She said "Don't you understand what this means??? You were right - I didn't see it but you were right..."

I have found that it helps me to be understanding and forgiving of people to realize that they are unlikely to have encountered anyone with my DS's particular 2E combination of assets and challenges before. He is a statistically improbable person. If I do the numbers, one like him will probably not have come along twice within any teacher's career, within any school administrator's career, within any psychologist's career. So of course none of them has a manual for dealing with him; they don't even have a single case study to look at. Of course they make mistakes. Who wouldn't.

The kinder ones listen sooner, look closely, take the time to figure him out, and help him anyway. At least your school psych actually got to the point of going AHA! She IS different!
