Originally Posted by DeeDee
I think the biggest challenge in chirping early about something that's still within age norms, but not within norms for that child, is getting anyone to believe you. The process of being thought insane and then proven correct later takes some years, and the insane part is not too much fun. But you do have to do what you think is right for your kid.



I vividly remember the deer-in-headlights look on the school psychologist's face as she said to me "There are 40 IQ POINTS difference between her verbal comprehension and visual perception IQ scores! 40!!!" (While her hand was on top of her head - almost as if she was trying to keep it from spinning off her shoulders.) "That's less than one half of one percent of the population." I calmly asked what the normal deviation was and what we should do now. She said "Don't you understand what this means??? You were right - I didn't see it but you were right..."

You don't even get to enjoy having your insights confirmed. Yes, I am happy that I am not in fact a stark raving loon but my DD would be so much better off if I was wrong about all these things I have picked up on. I think it was polarbear who mentioned on this thread that we don't meet each other very often in real life. It is such an amazing help, though, to be able to come here with a problem, question or concern and have a half dozen other parents say "Oh yeah, we had that too. This is what we did, how we worked with it and where my dc is now..."